Seakayaking 1Day trip on Nachi bay.

We took him to the river when he came last time in 2013, so we took them down to Ocean this time.
Seakayaking in Nachi bay, that was perfect day for experienced kayaker, nice swell, waves and wind.


And we took them to Nachi water fall after kayaking.

Kayaking 1Day trip on Kitayama

Ladies from Kuwait.
It was just right timing to go kayaking on Kitayama river just after the rain, forest was shiny.

It was our first time guiding Arabian people.

We are happy, people come to Kumano all over the world. 

Kayaking 1Day trip on Kitayama

A couple from North Carolina US where is my kayaking home state.

Talking about Great Smoky, Appalachian Mountains etc. of course Kumano, that I thought fondly.

My friend also paddle with us down the Kitayama river.
Weather was super nice, lovely day to got on the river.

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熊野本宮大社 例大祭

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