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TBS「世界遺産」撮影下見 2日目
TBS「世界遺産」撮影下見 1日目
Sea kayaking 2days trip(Day2)
He was a park ranger at the Great barrier reef.
So we got great, fun and interesting conversation last night at the camp,
taking about the differences of national park, etc.
Weather forecast said wind will be rising in the afternoon,
so paddle around some small island, then got to beach just right timing.
Sea kayaking 2days trip(Day1)
Couple from Australia, enjoyed the cost line of Kumano.
Starting “Miyama” beach, paddling around small peninsula, camping at “Funakoshi”
Paddled 15km, nice swell & waves during the day.
National Geographic Adventures trip
Our head guide “Katsu” taking a group from National Geographic Adventures.
He wear mountain prist costume that he used to train shugendo in the mountain and explain them about “Shinto”, “Buddhism”and “Shugendo” during hiking.